I read The journey of Soul. It is an incredible book. Best for those who want to understand the impact of cosmic energy and hidden force on our life. I devour this book and am thankful to Varrsha for this amazing book.



I strongly agree with Varsha, the author of the journey of soul. Your insights are worth considering. I’m sure it will bring some positive change in my life. I will strongly recommend this book to all everyone. Must Read!



No doubt this book is amazing and varsha did the great job. She is phenomnal observer at doing her job with high energy. No one can challenge this book. Everthing is so true. this book will work for you if you keep reading it.

Ravi Sharma

Soft Skill Trainer

This book violates my old beliefs but I enjoy reading it and I feel everyone should go through this book to know the other side of life. Varsha ji your words energize me. Thank you

Alfaz Saifi


Welcome to Divine Xprressions

you are the secret. let tarot explore you)

Divine Xprressions is a company founded by Varssha Sharma, Who guides you through your stars and helps you to live a meaningful and peaceful life.

Varssha SharRma

(Numerologist, Astrologist, Tarot Card Reader and Psychic)

Varssha Sharma is a founder of Divine Xprressions and the Author of The Journey of Soul. It is a book that reveals the hidden aspects of your life. Give it a read and know the hidden force working behind of your daily life.


My mission at Divine Xprresions is to make everyone aware of the benefits of Astrology, Numerology and Tarot card Reading and share worthful and insightful knowledge about them.


My vision is to have a positive impact in millions of lives through my Youtube Channel and Book.

welcome to Divine Exprressions

About Varssha Sharrma

I am born and brought up in Delhi, and worked in a prestigious organization before diving into occult science.
In 2019 I was going through an Ascension process, which changed my life completely,
during that period I started sharing my thoughts and knowledge which I was downloading while I was ascending and launched a book “The Journey of Soul”.
The Book is a great help for people, who are progressing spiritually and want to know the rarest secrets about the Universe in the simplest language.
The Main focus points of my book are Consciousness Awareness, the Law of Love, and the Law of Nature, and it’s an automated writing and a direct channeling from Mother Earth.
I also got a huge inclination towards other branches of occult science as well like Tarot card reading, Astrology, Reiki, Healing, Meditation, and Yoga, and have got associated with many research institutes as well to learn about this science and provide consultation for Tarot card reading, Numerology and Astrology.



Tarot Card Reading

Tarot cards are a form of divination, which literally means working with the divine, or your higher self, which is the ultimate purpose of tarot cards, just like yoga. We’ve broken down everything you need to know about them, from types of decks to what each card represents.



Oracle Card Reading

Oracle cards are like tarot cards’ younger, chiller cousin. They can show any imagery, and there’s more room for the person working with them to interpret their meaning



Lama Fera is a highly powerful Healing technique followed by the Buddhists and practiced by the Tibetan Lamas.

with the help of this technique, I help people with:

 Health Issues
 Removing blockages at energy Level.
 Relationship Healing.
 Many other cases are taken based on Analysis.


Mobile Numerology

Mobile has become an urgent need nowadays and most of the people have mobile or smartphones. … Numerology as a study of numbers, when we say every number leaves impact then the mobile number is one which becomes very important as it is directly linked to us and influences our life


Numerology (Number Balancing)

Numerology is any belief in the divine or mystical relationship between a number and one or more coinciding events. It is also the study of the numerical value of the letters in words, names, and ideas. It is often associated with astrology and similar divinatory arts.

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