The Conditioned Mind

We have all heard a lot about the words like” Conditioning of Mind” or Conditioned Mind”. What exactly is it? And what do we understand by the word “Conditioned”. Conditioned means something which is not free, something which is programmed and has a limitation.
So, when we say conditioned Mind, it simply means a mind which is not free, is already programmed and has a limitation, a mind which cannot think beyond. In our Daily life, anything and everything we see, perceive and respond is very much affected by the conditioning (programming) of our mind, just like the way we program a software and it works accordingly our mind is also conditioned which responds, reacts, interpret, judge people and situation as per the programming done.
Now the question comes how does a conditioning of Mind happens? and how every single individual has a different programming basis which…

Recently I came across a video by Dr Leonard Horowitch which is a breakthrough in medical science, that is the first video ever I saw where Dr Leonard Horowitch explained as how DNA can be repaired through 528HZ Frequency and hence DNA faults can be repaired.

Have heard a lot about treating several physical ailments of body through Meditation but same has been proved by medical science as well through beautiful description and explanation.

Many thanks to Dr Leonard Horowitch , I myself have gone through the video several times to understand the concept properly but unfortunately I could not embed it here as it was not allowing me to do that due to copyrights (seems like this to me) and therefore have provided the link of facebook page 

as provided below:

In one of blogs which I got very good feedback on and even have got chosen for guest blogging is The Patterns of energy. Where I explained how every soul is different and unique due to the different patterns which are defined by our past karma

Now DNA is one of the major contributors, any quality or physical problem any person is born with cannot be treated if they are genetically built in you because it has come to you in your DNA.

DNA is an energy cell and responsible for the way our body functions and determine our attributes and qualities. There are several things which people deal with due to their DNA and difficult to get rid of, examples are excessive anger, excessive emotions, problem of too much of pride etc which gets transferred from one generation to another.

Apart from this we find people transferring tendencies of sugar problem, heart problems, Cancer, obesity etc. which are DNA generated and cannot be treated permanently with Medication because medicines works on your body but these problems are dept on your soul which they have to deal with in this live and therefore has to deal with on a deeper level.

Hence treatment needs to be done on the level above physical body that is repairing of DNA , the pattern of your energy needs to be altered which can’t be done with Medication In the video it is advised that a human being needs to vibrate on frequency of 528 Hz in order to get rid of all deficiency of DNA. Meditation can repair the genetic problems effectively if done on regular basis .

Initially it’s not an easy thing to do but continues practice is all needed to take it to daily ritual In one of my blogs ” Meditation: the process of raising level of awareness ” will help you better understand the meditation process.

Also many of you must be thinking as to how can we can measure the frequency of energy we are vibrating at during mediation I guess we can’t measure it when we are in the middle of the meditation but your body and level of awareness will make the changes visible in your health and your attitude gradually .

Reaching to this level would require Patience, practice and foremost important concentration but it is a really beautiful feeling once you align it to your routine.

Best of luck everyone.

As always your questions are more than welcome .

We have discussed about what the Material nature is all about. We will now be discussing about three modes of nature

Every human soul while being in Human body must act as per these modes of nature. We usually think that we are working on our own will, but we are always under the spell of these modes of nature, our soul is entangled into these modes of nature until we move to the state of Liberation.

Every human soul gets the suitable body as per the previous life karma and deeds which is perfect to pay off their depts be it for good or bad deeds. Let’s understand this mode of Material Nature in Detail:

1. Mode of Ignorance: It is the lowest Level of consciousness, it is that state of nature where person is completely away from the knowledge. In this mode of nature, human beings only live for sense gratification, the only purpose of their living is to seek happiness by satisfying their senses. This state is also called the “State of Ignorance”, means in this state a person is completely unaware of his/her real identity. In today’s Era (regarded as “Kalyuga” in Indian Scriptures) the Maximum amount of people belong to this state of mind only, because the sole purpose of human beings is to Earn and enjoying wealth even at the cost of others. We have been noticing many crimes taking place in terms of robbery, rapes, murder etc. to satisfy own senses which is a perfect example of mode of ignorance. people committing suicides, going through mental illness and diseases because they are away from the real knowledge and get in complete darkness when their material requirements do not get fulfilled. Today we see a problem of Global warming, river are being dried up, many examples of natural calamities which is caused by the blind actions of human species performed in the mode of ignorance which could be resulted into loss of this very planet itself, we are so blind that we think that we are satisfying our senses by creating pollution but we are actually paving a path of our own destruction. And the only way to move out of this mode of darkness its knowledge, Please note that I am not really referring the knowledge of matter, people hold several degrees are not necessarily out of the mode of ignorance, because If so, has been the case then same people may not have been polluting the work culture and environment in big corporates. Because they are still entangled into matter. Knowledge I am referring here is the Know ledge of higher self and knowledge of Soul which helps taking them above the matter, towards spiritual sky or spiritual Energy.

2) Mode of Passion: It is a state where desires dominate, in this state people strive to earn maximum of Wealth, seek for luxury and are materialistic in nature, such people strive to achieve Power, Pride and status. their level of consciousness is bit higher than the group of people belong to the state of Ignorance, and therefore they believe in accumulation of wealth by working hard and harder. They find their happiness and luxury and power only. We can find these people al most everywhere especially in metro cities and big industries, where show off work, where only money, wealth and status is considered important and identity is recognized by the possession of wealth only.

4) Mode of Goodness: This Group of people have slightly higher level of consciousness, those who work for collective good ness, bring about reforms, strive for betterment of humans. Scientists, Teacher, preachers who contribute to the improvement of the society, it includes all those people who rise above the personal interest and take initiative for betterment of society. It does not mean that it includes people having famous faces, it includes those who are working behind the scene for betterment of others, may be in villages, small town etc.

Such people do believe in God, have higher level of awareness, wiser than others and possess good amount of wisdom

These are the three Modes of Nature, under which we all operate under, some of you might be thinking that if a person is operating under Mode of Goodness, then why is he/she still considered slaves of Material Energy, on this I would like to say that in all of the three modes we identify ourselves different from the creator. There still exist an ego within us which is an identity which we do not want to lose and therefore we become conditioned souls which are operated by three modes of nature. It is when we surrender ourselves, loose our identity/Ego, we become realized, Illuminated, and Free.

Here I am referring Ego as desire of separate entity and desire to associate ourselves with body and Material things around and not really identifying our true identity which is nothing but a pure form of love, hence it is when we become realized we turn into love and loose a fake identity.

Thanks for Reading !!!!

Energy”, one of the most profound words we use in our day to day life but still the most underrated in terms of its meaning and Understanding. I have gone through several Philosophical and spiritual books and this is the most fascinated word I came across so far and one of my favorite concepts which I tried to understand, invest my time in, meditate to understand it and then finally aspire to write on it.

In general understanding we see people talking about Energy mere a source which provides strength and vigor to the body or at max in some cases a force of electricity which makes an electronic machine or device run. But trust me energy is not something it is everything. It is everything which we can touch, smell, taste, speak, listen and sense and even something which Is beyond our understanding or beyond the catch of our senses. It is the essence of this Creation, it is the creation itself. There is nothing in this world which can go beyond a minute or speck of Energy.

I would like to categorize Energy in two parts here: 1) Material Energy. 2) Superior Energy.

Material Energy: Material Energy is also regarded as “Maya” or “Inferior Energy” in “Bhagwad-gita . It is the Energy which we use in our day to day daily activity, everything which we are surrounded with like Air, Earth, stone Mountains etc. are made up of this Energy only, in short anything which we see or feel outside in this material world is part of Material Energy, The Material energy is something which keeps us entangled in this world, this is the main cause which is a link between us and this material world. It is said in scriptures that there is nothing wrong to be part of this world because this world is also a beautiful creation of God but all we need to do it not to get attached to the Material things in this world, but in reality we get attached to then, associate out identity to the material things and get stuck to the vicious cycle for birth after birth.

Let’s understand this with an example: when we go to any theatre to watch movies, we enjoy every scene of it and enjoy it as if it is real , we laugh , get sad and even cry at times, but at the same time we are always aware of the fact that whatever we are watching is not real, it is just a movie and all characters are just playing their part so once we come out of movie theatre we are all normal knowing that we just enjoyed the movie. So is our lives, we are provided with this world and Material things just to enjoy it or play our part as per our past Karma and execute certain action which we born for, but unfortunately we get entangled into it knowing it as real and get attached to it and this attachment only becomes cause of our sorrow and pain. Going back to our movie example just think what will happen if we keep grudges and pain in our heart taking everything as real , it will not do any good or bad to us it will not do anything rather it is just our ignorance and low level of consciousness which is making us feel bad or good and we are unnecessarily get entangled into it.

We go through Pain, sorrow, heartbreaks and so on in our life which is a part of Material World only and there is nothing wrong in crying and responding to it, but at the same time staying aware that it is not real is what keeps us free and does not bind to the Material World.

Superior Energy: Superior Energy is the divine energy, all human souls are Superior Energy. It is the energy which purifies and connect us to the God. We have heard people saying everywhere that our Soul is very pure, why do we say this always? because it is made up of Superior Energy.

In waking state, a state of awareness this Energy directly radiates from our Soul and Aura and gets connected to Higher self (In Bhagwat- Gita it is regarded as Krishna’s Energy, the supreme personality). This usually happens in the state of Meditation (Dhyan) Unlike Material Energy Superior Energy makes us peaceful, Ecstatic and Complete.

This Energy makes us free from all entangles and makes us a free spirit, Our soul always search for this energy only to keep itself complete and peaceful, but we usually search for the peace and happiness from the Material world by absorbing Material energy , which does not satisfy the need of our Soul rather makes us more entangled and then more dissatisfied.

One must be thinking that how can be experience this Energy if it is that satisfying, then I would like to answer it this way:

This Energy is prevalent everywhere, the energy of supreme master is spread all around this Universe and Space, but it is our conditioned Soul which keeps us trapped under Material Energy hence in order to come out of “Maya” we need to elevate our level of consciousness which happens through the process of Spirituality. Through the spiritual process a person can take its level of consciousness to the next level connects to higher self without being inflicted by Material Energy.

I was just sitting and thinking and that is what came into my mind.

Over a period of years what I realized that meeting with the source is this long journey of life all about. It is a long Journey of soul we go through and cover several births, several sacrifices, pain & pleasures we go through, several penances, change body, change patterns to be ready to meet with that source.

purification of body, purification of soul is what we go through to clean the residuals of our Karma and desires which has been stick to us over and over several births to be eligible to meet the source where everything ends, everything rests .

Each cell of our Body every second just crave for that source, that’s the reason of our anxiety, a deep incompleteness, which we try fill in with wealth, luxury and relationships but none of it is able to complete it . Because It is an illusion and a deep rooted illusion, truth is that source and only source, where everything emerged from and everything will dissolute into.

We get stuck into the Journey not knowing the beginning and ending, stuck in vicious cycle which keeps going years after years, birth after birth. It is when we go through the process of spirituality, we identify our true identity, our purpose of this long journey, it is when our soul wakes up and we try to recollect things to strive to meet that very source, which is the cause of every creation, which is the only truth.